Cette formation vous conduit à devenir des managers internationaux dans les métiers de la communication, du numérique et du marketing en intégrant une dimension culturelle internationale.
Quelques exemples de métiers préparés avec ce MBA spécialisé :
Director for Communication
- The Director for Communication determines the image the firm wants to highlight, the competitive advantage it can promote, the means of communication it should use as in favor over others, the partners it should best set up partnerships with…
- He needs to understand the expectations of each different segment of the population in order to find the best adapted options for his firm to get the message across clearly.
Consultant in Influence Communication
- The Consultant in Influence Communicationaccompanies firms on brand image, the quality of products and the reputation of company managers by developing relationships with the media, politicians and institutions, the general public and influencers on current affairs issues.
- He assess the risks and opportunities public speaking could represent, sets up communication campaigns, organizes press and influence events.
Brand Content Manager
- The Brand Content Manageris in charge of all the print and audiovisual content which makes it possible for a brand to reach out successfully to its different targets : from the tv audience, to social network users or in-store customers.
- He defines subjects and makes a scenario out of them alongside creative staff within the framework of an editorial policy conceived for the brand and its objectives.
Digital Marketing Manager
- The Digital Marketing Manageris responsible for conducting the digital strategy of his firm and for (re)defining what it can propose in terms of digital products or services.
- He conducts campaigns for procurement and loyalty programs, managing a budget, reporting to his hierarchy on a regular basis and measuring the ROI.
Production Officer
- The (events) Production Officermanages and puts into place the brass tacks human, material, logistical and financial resources required for an event, in entire compliance with all the aspects of the specifications laid down by the firm or agency (budget, planning, compliance with legal requirements, positioning the project…).
- He has a hands-on, concrete approach to actually making the event happen.
Public Relations Advisor
- The Public Relations Advisorelaborates, pilots and supervises the agency’s key accounts portfolio.
- He is involved with every aspect of communication and public relations issues.
- He is closely committed to a relationship based on trust with the client and defends the recommendations and values of the agency.
Press Relations Officer
- The Press Relations Officeracts as the spokesman for an event, a web site or a firm with regard to the media (both on-line and off-line).
- He has to convince journalists and bloggers, to relay information about an event in their media.
- He provides them with the necessary éléments to enable them to report on an event and in so doing, to take part in promoting it.
Product Manager
- The Product Manager, working closely with the Marketing Department Management, is responsible for a range of the firm’s products or services.
- Basing himself on the analysis of the marketing data on his market, he adapts the supply of the firm to the demand analysed, coherently using the 4 different facets of the Marketing Mix (Product, Price, Place & Promotion).
Marketing Director
The Marketing Directorsupervises and coordinates the firm’s marketing in these 3 major areas :
- Market studies ; carried out internally or via specialised firm
- Operational Marketing, carried out by Product Managers who define the marketing plan and the budget required
- Strategic Marketing, by attending Senior Management Board Meetings during which he contributes in defining the strategy of the firm with regard to diversification, investment…
Development Officer
- The Development Officerdetermines the commercial policy and future directions the firm wishes to follow in order to ensure its growth and capture new markets.
- Other titles for the same position are ‘’Business Developer’’, ‘’Director for Development’’, ‘’Business Development Director’’ or ‘’Development and Partnerships Officer’’.
- He works under the Sales Manager, the General Manager and the Marketing Manager.
Data Analysist
- The Data Analysistis responsible for using all digital data collected via the various channels in the firm : networks, resource operating systems (ERP software), customer, supplier, distributor data bases…
- In order to enable managers to make the most appropriate decisions.
- He devises and manages indicators such as ‘’dashboards’’ which help to pilot the firm.
Découvrez les métiers des autres MBA
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